Garden musing.

I thought of something while soaking in the pool this evening stewing over why the world is in such a desperate condition.

I thought of something while soaking in the pool this evening stewing over why the world is in such a desperate condition. This goes way back in the day when Adam was crusing the garden. It’s about that tree thing — the tree of the knowledge of good and evil as it’s called.

@(bible Genesis 2:17)

Simple enough as it may seem, God made that tree. I know he created this world and man in it with free will and all that. I also understand that with free will it really doesn’t matter what temptation is lying around or not even lying around — man would still fall. Out of curiosity however, why did God make a tree and use it’s fruit as the trigger? “Oh, and by the way since I already know you will get around to failing eventually there is this really easy way you can do it by eating that thing hanging on that tree over there.” Money doesn’t grow on trees, why should sin?

So I had a momemtary freak-out tonight when I steped out on the sidewalk on my way home. On the sidewalk across from my office there was a wedding party hanging around talking. Just as I reached for my car door I hear a female voice that sounds like my friend Laura holler, “Hey Bryan”. I turned around to see a chap with long hair and an oversied black coat answer back — to the bride. Now I just happend to have another friend with long hair who always wears and oversided black treachcoat. Durring the next few seconds or so that it took me to determine for sure that this was a different couple I have to admit being entirely confused!


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